2014 Digital Humanities Colloquium (AHRC-funded)

Digital Humanities Colloquium, 16-17 June 2014

Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, U.K.

PI Professor Francis O’Gorman (Leeds)

Co-I Dr Marion Thain (Sheffield)

Administrator Thomas Mandall


Subject – Victorian Lives and Letters Consortium (VLLC)


As part of a major project in nineteenth-century digital curation, we are holding a two-day AHRC-funded Research Network colloquium at the University of Leeds on 16-17 June. The event is designed to introduce the VLLC, a new large-scale manuscript digitization project involving ourselves and partners in the United States, and bring together a group of experts to discuss the latest developments in the field, including:

a)     technical development;

b)    partnerships with libraries, archives, and universities;

c)    financial sustainability;

d)    editorial standards and academic development


Colloquium Programme

Monday 16th June:

11.00   Launch of VLLC project and outline of the Big Issues

12.30   Lunch

1.30     Content: focal writers, copyright, archival relations, imaging, balance of the project as a whole, intellectual coherence, digital curation etc.

3.00     Alliance Issues: defining roles and protocols for the stakeholders — academic institutions, archives, cultural institutions. 

4.00     tea

4.30     User groups and audience: Impact, crowd-sourcing, building the bridge between the stakeholders and the public etc.

6.00 – 7.00 wine reception

Tuesday 17th June:

 10.00   technical issues: content management, metadata, data preservation, encoding standards, extensibility, interconnectivity.

11.30   tea

12.00   funding plans: possible funders and funding plans; financial sustainability etc.

1.00    lunch

2.00    Postdoc and PhD roundtable: with an eye to the future


Invitation to Participate

AHRC-funded Colloquium, 16-17 June 2014: School of English, University of Leeds

(PI Professor Francis O’Gorman (Leeds); Co-I Dr Marion Thain (Sheffield); Administrator Thomas Mandall)

As part of a major project in nineteenth-century digital curation, we are holding a two-day colloquium. The event is designed to introduce the VLLC, a new large-scale manuscript digitization project involving ourselves and partners in the United States. The event will bring together a group of experts to advise us on the development and enhancement of the project, including in terms of

a)     technical development;

b)    partnerships with libraries, archives, and universities;

c)    financial sustainability;

d)    editorial standards and academic development

Major figures internationally and nationally in nineteenth-century editing and curation, as well as senior figures in digital humanities, will be present.  Please see the draft schedule of events here:


We have space to accommodate a small audience of colleagues interested in being part of this event; if you are able to contribute expertise or if who would simply like to learn more about current practice in the field we would be pleased to hear from you. There is no charge for this event, but space is limited so if you would like to attend please email us as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely, 

Francis O’Gorman and Marion Thain

 f.j.o’gorman@leeds.ac.uk; m.thain@sheffield.ac.uk